2x Monthly

This is our 2x Monthly server.

It wipes the first thursday of the month at 11am pacific standard time, and has a large 6000/6000 map.
Blueprints generally never wipe unless there is a force bp wipe from Facepunch.

It features a number of different plugins such as:

RaidableBases Premium, ArmoredTrain, Convoy, ExtendedIndustrial, ExtendedRecycler, AnyMapVendor, GUIShop, Economics, Ranks, ServerArmour, BackPumpJack, BetterChat, BetterElevators, ColouredChat, DroneTurrets, DroneBoomBox, HeliSams, NoDecay, Rustcord, Lockcomposter, VehicleDeployedLocks, CarTurrets, CarRadio, SignArtist, TargetableDrones, PersonalMarketplace.


  • /balance - Display players balance
  • /transfer {player name} {amount} - Allows players to transfer money between each other.


  • /verify - Verifies the user on discord and enables a free Verified rank in game and on discord.
    (Discord Verified users have access to additional commands and permissions, and may chat in game from discord.)

Colured Chat:

  • /colours - Prints out help
  • /colour <hexcode> - Changes your colour to given hex code
  • /colour clear/reset/remove - Resets your colour
  • /colour gradient <hexCode1 hexCode2 hexCode3 ...> - Changes your colour to the given gradient colours
  • /colour random - Changes your colour to random hex code
  • /colour rainbow - Changes your colour to the rainbow colours

Raidable Bases:

  • /buyraid - Players with permissions may buy priavte raids

Magic Panel:

  • /mp - shows the magic panel help text 
  • /mp off - hides all panels for the player
  • /mp on - shows all panels to the player

Car Radio:

  • /attachradio -- Attach a radio on vehicle you are looking at
  • /removeradio -- Dettach a radio on vehicle you are looking at

Vehicle Deployed Locks:

  • /vehiclecodelock (or /vcodelock, /vlock) -- Deploy a code lock to the vehicle you are aiming at.
  • /vehiclekeylock (or /vkeylock) -- Deploy a key lock to the vehicle you are aiming at.

Sign Artist:

  • /sil <url> [raw] - Download the image from the url to the server and display it on the sign you are currently looking at. Specifying the `raw` argument allows you to ignore jpeg enforcement if that is enabled in the config file.
  • /silt <message> [<fontsize: number>] [<color: hex value>] [<bgcolor: hex value>] [raw] - Downloads a generated image with the given text and optional fontsize, color, bgcolor to be displayed on the sign you are currently looking at. Specifying the raw argument allows you to ignore jpeg enforcement if that is enabled in the configuration file.
  • /silrestore [all] [raw] - Restores an image on the sign that was broken during the last Rust update. Specifying the all argument will restore all signs on the server. Specifying the raw argument allows you to ignore jpeg enforcement if that is enabled in the configuration file.
  • /sili - Adds currently held item icon to sign or frame. Use /sili default to add that items default skin. Note that un-approved workshop skins will upload the first image in the workshop preview.

Extended Recyler:

  • /recycler.craft - to craft recycler
  • /recycler.balance - Current Crafting Balance

Extended Industrial:

  • /addadapter - The command will attempt to spawn a storage adapter on any item container that’s part of the prefab you’re looking at while the chat command is used


  • /shop -- Opens the shop GUI
  • /shopgui -- Hides / Shows the GUIShop Button (requires the guishop.button permission for the player)

Drone Turrets:

  • /droneturret - Deploys an auto turret onto the drone the player is looking at, consuming an auto turret item from their inventory unless they have permission for free turrets.

Drone Boombox:

  • /droneboombox - Deploys a boombox onto the drone the player is looking at, consuming a boombox item from their inventory unless they have permission for free boomboxes.